Friday, January 7, 2011

final project write up

For my fse I will be creating something that communicates how i recall my memories- which ones stand out, the emotions related to them, how clearly i can bring the memory back into my head. I decided that i will make something similar in style to how i write out my journal entries in my little brown notebook. When i write about things, i draw images, write poems or stories, or include photos that help to glue the event into my mind.

Thinking about about the 100 photos project- the hundred days that past, it seemed to come forward as a large collage of events, like a story in pictures and words cut up and scattered. By recalling these memories it feels as though i'm trying to piece together an old mixed up story while still moving ahead and continuing it. I am going to try and create that sort of image on a large canvas board. By using oil paints, papers, images, and other medias i will arrange, change, and add to the photos to describe their significance to me. Photos that describe memories more important will be larger, more visible, with colours surrounding that relate to my mood or feeling of the memory. Less important or unclear days will be jumbled, layered, or to the side.

The text from the blog posts will also have importance. Most of the text was song lyrics from things i was listening to, some of the words were things that had been going on in my head. I'll mix the text in by overlapping it over the photos, writing it into the background, or clearly in front if it is important.

edit: For the final presentation, to really communicate the idea of an unclear story from the past, i am thinking of placing a book in front of the finished piece, opened with a plant standing on it. i think this could represent a movement of time and a continuation and building upon the past. this is still a rough idea so any other suggestions would be welcome.

so thats about it I think,  if you have any questions or ideas about it go ahead!